Finance, Technology and Macroeconomics
Monday, February 21, 2005
No longer limited to things I encounter at work.Insights from related talks/meeting/events. Basically a blog that helps me unwind and prevent information overload. Over time, however, this blog might overweight on capital markets, which is what my current job is all about.
About Me
- Name: JD
Asian comedy addict. Reads whatever is available. Rest includes watching a movie. Loves family dearly.
Previous Posts
- Philippine Financial Account 2007
- Comments on IMF's Access Policy
- Commenting on IMF Papers
- The Paris Club
- 2007 Subprime Mortgage Financial Crisis
- Econ Vocabulary: Global Financial Stability Report...
- Lotilla perfectly describes how I feel right now
- Bloomberg Focus
- International Finance Corporation
- Asian Bond Fund
- July 2004
- February 2005
- April 2005
- August 2006
- September 2006
- October 2006
- November 2006
- March 2007
- April 2007
- May 2007
- June 2007
- July 2007
- September 2007
- December 2007
- February 2008
- Current Posts
- International Financing Review
- Finance Asia
- Answers
- Google Me Baby
- The Economist
- Capital Mkts. Mag
- Bond Markets
- Asia Econ Monitor
- Roubini Global Econ Monitor
- Philippine Economy
- Econ Materials
- Wall Street Journal
- Bloomberg
- Asian Bonds
- World Bank
- Krugman
- Mundell
- Krueger
- Jaclyn Asuncion's Laissez Faire
- Standard and Poor's
- Moodys
- Fitch
- Merill Lynch
- Bear Stearns
- JP Morgan
- Deutsche Bank
- Lehman Brothers
- Barclays
- Nomura
- Citigroup
- BNP Paribas
- Standard Chartered
- Calyon
- Goldman Sachs
- ING Bank
- Daiwa Securities
- Sustainable Development
- Women Empowerment
- Organization of Local Economists
- Continuous Learning
- Inspiring Mail Forwards
Paper Banks
Credit Rating Agencies
JD's Affiliations and Interests
JD's Employers
JD's Alma Mater
Felix sent me this " A great life is not about routine but doing something rare". Blogging at work is rare...hehehehe. My motivation to blog about work stemmed from my hate for it. As I have written before, I'll never appreciate what I do if I don't stop to savor it. To anyone who would like to see the steps on managing and coordinating a financing transaction of NPC/PSALM, here it is: (1) Discuss cahsflows with NPC. Inquire on what months they can no longer defer payments, (2) Request for internal approvals,(3)Release RFP, attach agreements and OC to update, (4) While awaiting results of RFP, coordinate with transaction counsel, route tentative scheds of due diligence [first draft - conference call, second draft - 3 days, following drafts - 1 day], (5) Mandate, schedule meet up with auditor, (6) One day post-mandate - Due Diligence, (7) Auditor, (8) Financial Due Diligence, (9) Investors calls, (10) Pricing - sign Purchase Agreement, (11) MB Final Approval, (12) Closing. In the first expedited transaction of NPC that was facilitated by PSALM, the glitches were (a) day count in teh final approval -- next time, just ask them to e-mail the soft copy, (2) appointment of process agent - immediately request DOF to represent us to the Consul General
Thanks for visiting this website. Drop by again in the future. You'll be blessed!