Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Accreted Amount

“Accreted Amount” means, with respect to an Accreting Obligation, an amount equal to

(a) the sum of (i) the original issue price of such obligation and (ii) the portion of the amount payable at maturity that has accreted in accordance with the terms of the obligation (or as otherwise described below),


(b) any cash payments made by the obligor thereunder that, under the terms of such obligation, reduce the amount payable at maturity (unless such cash payments have been accounted for in clause (a)(ii) above), in each case calculated as of the earlier of (A) the date on which any event occurs that has the effect of fixing the amount of a claim in respect of principal and (B) the Physical Settlement Date or applicable Valuation Date, as the case may be.

Such Accreted Amount shall include any accrued and unpaid periodic cash interest payments (as determined by the Calculation Agent after consultation with the parties) only if “Include Accrued Interest” is specified as being applicable.

If an Accreting Obligation is expressed to accrete pursuant to a straight-line method or if such obligation’s yield to maturity is not specified in, nor implied from, the terms of such obligation, then, for purposes of (a)(ii) above, the Accreted Amount shall be calculated using a rate equal to the yield to maturity of such obligation. Such yield shall be determined on a semiannual bond equivalent basis using the original issue price of such obligation and the amount payable at the scheduled maturity of such obligation, and shall be determined as of the earlier of (A) the date on which any event occurs that has the effect of fixing the amount of a claim in respect of principal and (B) the Physical Settlement Date or applicable Valuation Date, as the case may be. The Accreted Amount shall exclude, in the case of an Exchangeable Obligation, any amount that may be payable under the terms of such obligation in respect of the value of the Equity Securities for which such obligation is exchangeable.

“Accreting Obligation” means any obligation (including, without limitation, a Convertible Obligation or an Exchangeable Obligation), the terms of which expressly provide for an amount payable upon acceleration equal to the original issue price (whether or not equal to the face amount thereof) plus an additional amount or amounts (on account of original issue discount or other interest accruals not payable on a periodic basis) that will or may accrete, whether or not (a) payment of such additional amounts is subject to a contingency or determined by reference to a formula or index, or (b) periodic cash interest is also payable


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