Friday, August 25, 2006

Economist: Job Description

Will conduct macroeconomic analyses of the U.S. and Japanese economies.

Will collect, interpret, analyze and report macroeconomic and financial information to contribute to the company's knowledge of economy-wide, sector specific and industry specific economic trends and market developments ("macroeconomic drivers") affecting the value of equity and bond investments in those countries.

Will investigate the contribution of various macro-factors (e.g., balance of payments, currency valuation, inflation, budget deficits, inventories, consumer debt and spending, interest rates) to GDP growth.

Will devise and select data collection and sampling methodologies for economic research studies, applying appropriate econometric techniques (game theory, probability theory) and statistical analyses (regression analysis, correlational techniques, Hodrick Prescott filters) to assess the validity and reliability of research outcomes.

Will complete studies of the effects of multiple macroeconomic factors on target industrial and commercial sectors, and stock and bond risks and returns within those sectors.

Will use advanced applications of financial and econometric software and graphing systems to complete analyses of macroeconomic trends ("yield curves"), test research hypotheses, and prepare economic forecasts for use by Capital Group portfolio analysts and asset allocation committees.

Will keep abreast of developments in macroeconomic theory, and in theories of finance and monetary economics, reading the emerging academic literature on topics related to quantitative and model based economic and financial research.Masters degree with a major in economics or finance. Minimum one year (prior to Masters is OK) as economist, investment analyst, or in related occupation. On-the-job experience in constructing quantitative and statistical macroeconomic research for investment decision-making. Training or experience in the use of econometric analysis packages (including Microfit, Shazam, Eviews, SPSS) and financial software packages (Datastream, Stockval, Factset, Bloomberg, Marketwatch, Reuters, Research Direct) for macroeconomic modeling and analysis. Training or experience in advanced applications of Microsoft Excel. Training or experience in the mathematical bases of current academic macroeconomic research, including calculus and optimization techniques, matrix algebra, probability theory and multivariate statistics. Training or experience in the conduct of yield-curve (term-structure) scenarios and in macroeconomic forecasting.

Lead the development, enhancement and utilization of all major aspects of statistical, econometric and financial models in the assigned area of business specialization (e.g. capital allocation, credit risk analysis, new product development, etc.)

Understand the technical issues associated with financial and statistical modeling, and apply these skills to business problems.

Provide technical advice and guidance to senior management on all results from financial and statistical models.

Develop rules, benchmarks etc. for the analysis and interpretation of model data.

Develop and report forecasts on major economic and financial trends, including regulatory issues, and propose appropriate Freddie Mac business response.

Conduct statistical analyses of performance on an ad-hoc basis. Lead a team of managers and analysts.

Job requires a PhD .in Economics, Econometrics, Statistics, Finance, Mathematics or related discipline or an equivalent combination of education and experience from which comparable knowledge and skills may be acquired; five years of experience including experience using specialized statistical tools (e.g. SAS, "Fair Lending


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